Public Statement about messages concerning LGBTI people on Media

CONATEL urges all TV and radio stations, and electronic media, to understand their responsibility for preventing the stereotypical image of LGBTI people and to stop any discriminatory or abusive messages which infringe their HUMAN RIGHTS.


Public Statement of the National Telecommunications Commission of Venezuela (CONATEL) on the occasion of the International LGBTI Pride Day (lesbian, gay, bisexual, TRANS and intersex), which promotes human rights ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY (SOGI).



June 28th, 2016

Public Statement about messages concerning LGBTI people on Radio, TV and electronic Media.

On the occasion of the International LGBTI Pride Day (lesbian, gay, bisexual, TRANS and intersex), which promotes human rights ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY (SOGI), the National Telecommunications Commission of Venezuela (CONATEL), in compliance with the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, national laws and international treaties, which ensure dignity and equal rights for all human beings;

Considering that it is an essential condition of our political system to ensure universal enjoyment of human rights by every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression without discrimination;

Considering that a democratic, participatory and proactive society must fight to eradicate any act of discrimination based on sexual orientation, identity or gender expression;

Considering that it is the responsibility of this institution as regulatory authority on radio, television and electronic media, protecting the users’ rights, encourages venezuelan media enterprises not to promote or distribute contents in any format which, misguided and far from ethics, helps to strengthen prejudice, stigma and social stereotypes which reproduce hatred, discrimination and intolerance towards citizens because of their sexual orientation, identity or gender expression, such as:

  1. Contents which pathologize sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expressions.
  2. Contents which invoke customs or religious beliefs which prevent, deny or restrict as a condition to anyone of from exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  3. Demeaning, humiliating, offensive messages, videos, audios and images, as well as destructive comparisons which attack emotional or mental stability of LGBTI people.
  4. Contents which promotes hatred, intolerance, physical violence, sexual violence, harassment, lewdness, sexual harassment, workplace violence, patrimonial and economic violence against LGBTI people.
  5. Contents which stigmatize LGBTI people just showing a single pattern, omitting the diversity of skills, capabilities, and expertise.
  6. Messages which mock up trans people to public derision, not respecting the right to self-determination of their personality and identity.
  7. In general, any discriminatory message that violates free development of their personality.

Agrees the following


CONATEL urges all TV and radio stations, and electronic media, to understand their responsibility for preventing the stereotypical image of LGBTI people, which has spread for decades and has helped to strengthen hostile behavior and discriminatory social patterns towards these people.

CONATEL urges all TV and radio stations, and electronic media to critically review the contents disseminated through its schedule and spaces in relation to LGBTI people, and to stop any discriminatory or abusive messages which infringe their HUMAN RIGHTS.

CONATEL encourages all TV and radio stations to support the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the LGBTI people, by including in its programming, contents, messages and campaigns which represent a respectful image of the reality of LGBTI people in Venezuela and the world, and to broadcast news about LGBTI collectives actions, especially those related to their social struggle for the conquest of their human rights.


William Alfredo Castillo Bollé
Chairman of National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL)
According to Decree No. 767 published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40,346 dated January 31, 2014.


28 junio, 2016

La Oficina de Atención a la Usuaria y al Usuario concede a la ciudadanía una esmerada e inmediata atención para todos aquellos requerimientos inherentes al área, con un personal altamente calificado que ofrecerá una orientación eficaz.

Centro de Desarrollo e Información en Telecomunicaciones especializado en generar programas educativos innovadores, para la formación y actualización permanente en materia de Telecomunicaciones y temas de interés comunitario vinculados al sector.

Conatel es el ente encargado de la administración y asignación de nombres de dominios bajo la estructura de primer nivel “.ve” en la red mundial de Internet, de acuerdo a lo establecido en el Capitulo III de la reforma de la Ley Orgánica de Telecomunicaciones.


Un Medio Comunitario es un espacio de construcción de nuevas relaciones sociales, para empoderar a las comunidades y fortalecer la cultura local, dando participación activa y protagónica a quienes nunca han tenido voz, con el impulso del Estado.

El Fondo de Responsabilidad Social está dirigido a financiar proyectos de desarrollo y fomento de la producción nacional, capacitación de productores nacionales de obras audiovisuales o sonoras, investigaciones relacionadas con la comunicación, entre otros.

El desarrollo del Sector Telecomunicaciones se sustenta en la correcta y oportuna declaración de tributos por parte de los prestadores de servicios debidamente autorizados para tales fines por el Estado venezolano.